

Evan: 11 months old!

Evan is 11 months old TODAY! I know I keep saying this...but where does the time go...really?! This month Evan continues to crawl, each day he gains speed. One moment he'll be in one spot, the next he's half way across the living room! He continues to eat well and expands his palette almost daily. He loves blueberries, turkey hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and macaroni-n-cheese. He also loves carrots, peas, corn, toast, and the ever favorite graham crackers! He has a huge appetite! Evan is talking up a storm, babbling almost non-stop all day. He loves books and MUSIC, he will dance to any beat he hears...from the radio, the tv, even Mark and I when we sing, it's adorable. Enjoy the pictures...he wouldn't sit still long enough to actually look at the camera but I love each and every one!

11 months


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